How To Incorporate Science Into Outdoor Learning

Dynamo bike with energy charts

The whole reason of outdoor learning is, of course, to take lessons outside of the classroom and as this is an area of specialisation for our company, we have developed a unique idea which can help school children understand some basic principles of curriculum based science whilst also actively engaging them in their studies.

The concept is teaching children about how kinetic energy can be created by human power and this is done by our special dynamo bikes and packages which the children have to pedal in order to produce electricity. There are two kinds of systems we can work with:

The first is the Bicycle Hub Generator which replaces a traditional rear wheel with a highly efficient and frictionless motor. It also includes a solid training stand to convert AC to DC and the average power output over a period of time is usually around 5-70 watts per person

The second is the A-Frame Generator which is a compact, collapsible and super efficient generator. A simple and compact way to generate power, these are ideal for use in schools where portability is key or space is limited.

Both bikes have a special in-built dynamo system which touches the back wheel and as the wheel rotates, it turns a magnet inside a coil – thereby turning mechanical rotation into electric power. And the faster and harder they pedal, the more energy they are creating. As part of this system, we supply an LED panel which shows the children how many watts of power they are producing whilst they pedal and they can then use this information to relate back to a wall panel which features every day household items and how much energy is required to power them. So for example, they can appreciate how hard they have to pedal to boil a kettle! These bikes systems can be used for a host of other applications:

Extreme Tea Challenge

An energy awareness challenge; Extreme Tea is a simulation of the amount of human power required to boil water.

A scale of temperature runs between two giant LED ‘thermometers. In a head-to-head challenge, each cyclist must generate the equivalent amount of human energy required to boil a predetermined amount of water (usually between 10-30ml). The first to arrive at boiling point and fully illuminate their thermometer wins.

Fun and competitive, but also educational; the challenge touches on subjects of the Key Stage 2 science curriculum as it introduces the topics of energy transfer


A battery-free, portable and 100% human-powered cinema/sound system that runs on the energy generated by just one or two cyclists and incorporates an all-in-one ‘plug & play’ unit with built-in sound, media player and projector.

Ideal for screening educational films in and out of the classroom, it can also be use as a portable sound system / P.A for school events.

Bulb Board

A demonstration of how much human energy needs to be generated to light four 60 Watt light-bulbs. The Bulb Board is an oversized interactive circuit board with giant switches and incandescent light-bulbs.

Children are encouraged to throw the switches as their classmates pedal to effectively demonstrate the increased resistance as the electricity is shared between bulbs and the cyclists can experience its effects directly.

A pictorial-style circuit diagram introduces the children to basic circuits, symbols and electricity.

With built-in Watt Meter and LED display to encourage pupils to learn to take readings and collect data. This can be paired with a graphic/banner to relate the children’s energy output to household appliances. I.e if John generated 300 watts, this is the amount of power required to operate a food blender.

This system explores the subjects of the Key Stage 2 science curriculum; energy types and transfer; conductors; resistance; electricity.

Smoothie Maker

A great way to promote health, nutrition and sustainable energy. Using the energy from a single person, our custom built Smoothie maker blends proportionally to the speed you pedal. The more electricity you generate, the smoother the result!

All of these systems promote science in an interesting, engaging but fun way as well as promoting eco awareness/sustainability and healthy living (which are the basic tenets of the Eco Schools Programme).

These packages can be seen in action on the various videos we have filmed at schools.

For further information, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01832 275902 or email:



Ways Your School Can Earn Money From The Hideout House Company

We know that budgets are tight at the moment and a lot of schools are now looking to commercial opportunities/sponsorship etc in order to raise non school budget ancillary income. So we would like to help in this respect too and there are a couple of programmes we are running at the moment.

Firstly if we were lucky enough to be given an order from you, we would pay your school or PTA an introductory commission of 3% to any new business which you introduced to us (assuming of course the referral turns into a firm sale). If we can also send another interested party to your school to have a look at the product we supplied you, we would pay you a fee for your time to help with this.

And if you are able to feature our product on your school website with a photo (usually this is on the school news section of the website or the PTA pages) and with a mention of our company with a website link, then we can look at giving you a discount.

And we have some products which you could use for interesting PTA events such as our pedal powered disco or cinema. We would set up a certain amount of special dynamo bikes which the children, staff or parents have to pedal in order to produce electricity to power  up the film or music system. And if they stop pedalling, so does the power supply! So you could organise a novel pedal powered film night, charge people to come along to watch it and get everyone sponsored who is pedalling (like you would a sponsored bike ride).

And although not directly linked to us, you must always remember that you could gain some useful lettings income from our bigger enclosed classroom buildings by renting them out to the local community or local businesses.

For further information on these promotions and others, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01832 275902 or email:



The Mobile Outdoor Classroom

I always find that the best ideas come from people telling you the same problem time and time again and especially when they cannot find a solution to it. Such is the case in this instance – we are always approached by schools and other educational establishments who are wanting an outdoor classroom provision of some kind but want it installed quickly and want to know if it can be moved at a later date. But when I say outdoor classroom, I am referring to a building which is fully enclosed and can be used all year round  – as opposed to the classic open-sided, gazebo style of outdoor classroom you find so often in school playgrounds.

These buildings are typically used or required for a whole host of reasons and applications – extra nurture or break out space for more intimate one and one teaching or emotional well-being sessions between pupils and teachers; outdoor learning space; library; meeting room; staff room; after school club; community room/space etc

And nearly always the requirement is for a building which is no more thirty square metres in internal floor space, needs to be heated, needs to be insulated and has electrics. And in some cases a WC is required. We are able to supply and install/build these on site with our traditional range of enclosed outdoor classrooms but here again, we can borrow from our other leisure side of the business where we supply mini lodges to holiday parks and other sites. These buildings are all pre-manufactured units which come already manufactured and pre-assembled directly from the factory and are brought to site on the back of a low loader truck. They are then craned into position (as above image)

The great advantage to a school is that on-site time is minimal in this respect. Assuming a pre-prepared base is down (or if we are siting onto an existing hard surface such as a tarmac playground no base is required at all) and services are running to site (electricity etc), a school can be up and running in a matter of days. As opposed to a couple of weeks if we were having to build on site. And there is no need to get in other local trades such as a plumber or electrician as the internal electrics, heating, lighting and sockets will have already been fitted in the factory.

And we are able to fit external decking areas for extra teaching space.

And as these deemed to technically be mobile units (like the bigger mobile classrooms supplied by the likes of Portakabin), they can be moved to another site or location at a later date if so required.

For more information, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01832 275902 or email:

Outdoor Shelters for Forest Schools

fire pit and BBQ cabin

The forest schools programme and initiative in the UK is definitely gaining momentum as we do now receive quite a few enquiries from schools who are looking for outdoor shelters for forest schools which they can use in these designated areas.

A common request is to provide for some sort of outdoor shelter or outdoor classroom provision where the children can seek refuge from the elements when so required or which the forest school practitioner can use as an outdoor learning & teaching base. And as making and building fires is a major part of this initiative, we have developed our very own fire pit shelter and outdoor classroom where you can actually have a fire pit in the middle. These tend to be open-sided structures although we can partially enclose them with either solid infill panels or roll-up/roll-down canvas panels to enclose some further protection. The smoke from the fire exhausts through a special ventilation hole in the roof with a special roof cap to stop rain getting in.

But we have been asked also for a facility where as well as lighting fires, the children would also like to be able to cook somewhere and ideally in a building which is fully enclosed so that it can be used all year round. And if you can have some desks in there as well, all the better!

So we are pleased to now be selling stylish outdoor shelters for forest schools cabin which come in different sizes to suit different class sizes or forest school groups and which have a special central fire/BBQ cooking facility where a fire can be lit to both heat up the cabin and to cook on. It is also possible to have internal benching and desks in the cabin as well and in this instance a flue positioned above the fire allows the smoke to easily escape. So this product offers up the ideal solution for a forest school – it allows children to make fires (and thereby also provide for internal heat if “off grid” which these sites usually are), it allows them to cook, it provides for shelter for all year round use and it can be an outdoor learning resource with desks and tables.

There are some options available – firstly the sizes as they come in 10m2, 14m2, 17m2 and 25m2 variants. On some of these models, you can have either sloping walls or straight, there are a couple of colour choices of felt shingle tiles for the roof, internal benches and desks, seating cushions, LED lights and bases. Our prices always allow for delivery and installation.

For further details, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01865 858982 or email:



An Alternative Way For Schools To Fund Outdoor Classrooms

Enclosed octagonal and rectangular classrooms

Enclosed octagonal and rectangular classrooms

We sell a lot of outdoor classrooms to schools and ever more so those which are fully enclosed with solid wall panels and glazed panels. The reason being is that schools can use them all year round without worrying about the elements (we can also insulate them if they were going to be heated) plus they can use them as buildings which the wider community can utilise and benefit from too.

But the challenge is always funding or lack of it to be more precise. “Love them but we have no budget” is the usual response I hear from head teachers or school business managers. There are undoubtedly grants which you can apply for which will fund these type of buildings but let’s assume that there is no room in the school budget to afford these outdoor classrooms and you cannot get a grant. But you want and need an outdoor classroom for your school. So we have thought “outside of the box” on this issue and come up with following proposal.

Firstly, you can take out an operating lease on these type of buildings (this applies to your school whether it is an academy or within local authority control) over a typical period of 3 years where at the end of the lease period the school then has the option to return the equipment with no further payments or extend the agreement for one final year.

  • If the school extends for a final year the quarterly payments will be charged at ‘fair market value’, typically no more than 60% of the quarterly repayments on the original 3 year lease
  • At the end of the fourth year the equipment is then abandoned to the school with no more rentals to pay, no title is passed to the school

So you have the benefit of the asset now but can spread the payments over a period of time or school budget accounting periods. But we still haven’t got the money to pay for the lease payments I hear you cry.

By way of an example incidentally, a £12,000 enclosed outdoor classroom would cost £80 to rent per week over a three year period.

First question to ask yourself…..could the building be let out for before and after school clubs for example and if so, would you have any idea what a school could charge for this? Could the PTA use it or some of the money they raise each year be used to offset the lease payments?

or we have an association with a company who rent out school premises such as sports facilities or halls (for further information on this see my blog link given below). In terms of hiring halls for example they have on their books some smaller schools in a rural setting earning £10-15k per year but the larger halls in busier cities can attract up to £60k of revenue (obviously dependent on the types of activities allowed). They also have an IT system which does all of the administration for the bookings and they do all of the marketing as well – in return for this, they ask for a commission for all bookings taken. All the school has to do is obviously have someone on hand i.e. site manager, caretaker – to let people in and out.

So if a school were to utilise this service, this would hopefully generate enough extra income to pay for the outdoor classroom leasing payments. You already have the school asset so you need to put it out work. But I am well aware that this would have to be run past Governors and many questions would be asked! See therefore some testimonials below from schools who are already using this system.

But all I am trying to do is find a way of not just giving up and saying there is no money. That would be very un-British!

Angela Mellish – Bursar School: St Bernards

QUOTE: “We wouldn’t be without BookingsPlus! It has saved us so much time with the speedy invoicing and online payments. We recently had the auditors in who commented that the system was an auditors dream. The audit trail is tight, and there is a good level of control within the system such as not being able to delete invoices and payments. The ability to add reasons to credit notes and voided invoices provides the perfect picture as to what is happening. From booking through to payment, it is easy to keep track of everything. The auditors said they would recommend the system to other schools, and so would I”

Steve Munday – Head Teacher William Edwards School

QUOTE: “The BookingsPlus system gives us a significant revenue boost, which we have been able to invest in ICT/ technology, sporting equipment and staffing to ensure that we can provide the best possible learning environments and opportunities for our students. Equally importantly it has helped us to become an integral part of the local community by giving local groups, charities and organisations the chance to use our exceptional facilities. Everybody wins!”

Blog on renting out premises

For further information on the above or to explore opportunities how we can help  your school get funding for our outdoor classrooms, please call 01865 858982 or email:

4m x 3m enclosed outdoor classroom

4m x 3m enclosed outdoor classroom

Superglamp – A New Division For The Hideout House Company

full package

Our business has always been involved in the educational sector and we have hopefully built up a good reputation with schools for supplying quality outdoor classrooms, eco classrooms, school buildings, playground equipment and bespoke landscaping projects.

But we started to get quite a few enquiries from the leisure and hospitality industry for play equipment, multi purpose buildings such as offices, reception buildings etc and mobile buildings which could be adapted for accommodation purposes…so we have started a new division called Superglamp to service this growing and exciting industry. Not only do we create unique products, we create unique concepts which includes accommodation units in many different guises,  products which compliment the trend for wellness breaks, multi-purpose outdoor buildings and our very own “unique chic boutique” which includes such novel items as grass covered outdoor sofas!

Eco tourism is very important in this industry too so we have managed to utilise a lot of our knowledge, experience and products from the educational sector into the Superglamp brand…such as our pod lodges which are totally off-grid and self sufficient.

For more information, please visit the website

Or contact us on 01865 858982 or email




It’s All Good Radio Show Launches New Platforms

At the beginning of this year I was very kindly interviewed by It’s All Good Radio to talk about what we were doing in schools.

It’s All Good Radio Show is an internet radio show which showcases individuals, companies and organisations who are challenging the norm and changing the way we live and work for the better.

Twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays they broadcast a mix of stories and music focusing on new innovations and thought provoking ideas and projects which encourage us all to get involved in creating a more equitable and sustainable world.

To listen to these broadcasts go to

The team behind It’s All Good Radio Show have also recently launched two new platforms: “A Million People Doing Good” and “Business Doing Good.”

Debbie Hyde, producer/presenter of the show explains:

Every day we come across stories of individuals and businesses who are changing the way we live and work for the better and we love to share these via Facebook and Twitter and through our broadcasts, but for some time now we’ve wanted to bring all these people together in one place.

And so we are creating A Million People Doing Good and Business Doing Good – a collective space where we discover, share and come together to recognise the tremendous efforts of individuals and businesses across the globe who are making the world a better place and encourage you to connect with them and get involved in their projects.

We would love to hear from you if you are one of ”A Million People Doing Good” or a “Business Doing Good” or if you know someone who is doing great work and should be recognised and celebrated.

To find out more and get involved go to , Facebook: It’s All Good Radio Show and Twitter @debbiehyde7

Eco Schools Activities for Outdoor Classrooms

We have developed some creative activities for outdoor classrooms which include features to promote a lot of the core themes of the Eco Schools programme – namely renewable energy, bio-diversity, growing and healthy living. First of all though, you need access to the following essential ingredients:

* Outdoor classroom or shelter – preferably with a living sedum roof and an internal mini dipping pond

* Dynamo electric pedal bikes which produce electricity when pedalled

* Mini wind turbine/solar panel and energy monitoring board with power sockets

* Guttering and water butt for rainwater harvesting

* Planters

So now we have an outdoor classroom which is actually a learning resource too. For bio-diversity, the children can see how the sedum on the roof changes colour and texture and how it attracts wildlife. And in no time at all, the mini dipping pond will be thriving with life and providing a natural habitat for all sorts of creatures. For renewable energy, children can pedal on the special dynamo electric pedal bikes to create power which can then be used for all kinds of creative outdoor learning exercises; they can monitor the energy created by the wind turbine or solar panel and then use this to power up laptops, tablets etc. And they can plant and grow their own food which is turn is fed and watered by natural rainwater.

And this happens all year round as well!

For further information as to how your school can benefit from the above, please contact Simon Fearnehough on 01865 858982 or email

 or visit eco school activities

The Green Roomoption

Don’t Build The Ark Just Yet!

With all of this recent bad weather and heavy flooding we have been experiencing of late, it was sort of inevitable that everybody would start blaming everyone else and that the perennial issue of climate change would yet again come to the fore of public discussion and debate.

I am no scientist by any means and sometimes it is hard to know what to believe when confronted with so much conflicting information – but I do know this for sure and that is that we have been experiencing some pretty weird but consisent weather patterns these last ten years and surely we cannot just keep blaming the good old British climate. We have obviously upset Mother Nature and she is telling us loud and clear that she is not very happy.

We do need therefore to start to make some fundamental changes to the way we treat this planet but I totally appreciate that this will be extremely difficult to get everyone to agree upon exactly what, when and how. But I believe that a very good place to start is to introduce today’s children to eco schools education so that eco awareness and social responsibility becomes absolutely second nature to them. If we can encourage this more and more in schools, then hopefully we can secure some sort of a better future where they will not have to entertain the prospect of ducks swimming around their front living room each winter!

The Eco Schools programme is doing a great job to promote their green agenda within the educational community and it is pleasing to see more and more schools joining each year.

And that is why everything we sell to schools at the Hideout House Company is designed to foster eco awareness and to promote an educational green engagement. But we haven’t designed and built an ark just yet!!

For more information, please contact Simon Fearnehough on 01865 858982 or email

The Hideout House Company Ltd