Outdoor classrooms can come in all shapes and sizes with variants for school needs and budgets. The Hideout House Company offer a truly comprehensive and diverse range of these type of playground buildings which take in octagonal, rectangular and square designs and which can be “themed” too – we have outdoor classrooms for special educational needs (SEN), eco classrooms where the building itself becomes a natural learning resource and forest school settings. Our buildings are manufactured out of cedar wood which has numerous benefits over traditional timbers (such as pine) including the fact that they are virtually maintenance free and do not require any on-going maintenance or further treatment once installed and they will last longer.

Outdoor classrooms are very popular in schools as they encourage learning outside of the classroom and teach children about the natural environment – that it is the reason we have options such as sedum living roofs, water butt and guttering systems for rainwater harvesting, educational renewable energy systems such as mini wind turbine/solar panel/energy monitoring board and power units including a datalogger, in-built planters and mini eco ponds. For the building itself, we can add in wall panels, louvre opening and closing panels for the window apertures, benching, decking floor with non-slip decking, ramps, steps and trellis panelling.

And in certain instances, we are able to help with funding for these type of outdoor classrooms.slider8

Hideout House Outdoor Classroom at Primary School

We have just completed a new outdoor classroom building for a primary school in Rushden, Northamptonshire. Our initial brief on this project was quite an interesting one as the neighbouring school had a glass geodome outdoor classroom installed the previous year and so therefore the school was looking for something a bit different too.

They wanted to be able to cater for a class of thirty children, they wanted it to be something a bit unique and also something the children would want to be in time and time again. It was also very important that the building was enclosed (i.e. not like an open sided gazebo type outdoor classroom) and could therefore provide adequate shade and shelter from the elements. This was because the building could be used all year round as well….and therefore opened up opportunities for the wider local community to be able to use it as well. As it was being sited on a grass area with a gentle slope, we had to find a way of easily being able to site the classroom without too much expense being incurred for any groundworks.

As well as an outdoor learning facility for the school children, the school also intend to use it for nurture groups where smaller groups of children with either behavioural problems or learning difficulties can go for more focused one to one tutoring with the teachers and as a quiet respite area where they can escape from the general hub-bub of the average school day.

Last but not least, it had to be of a good quality and last for a long, long time at a price they could afford within their budget.

We always like a bit of challenge!

We therefore have supplied the school with one of our Hideout House outdoor classrooms which ticks a lot of the boxes in the school’s wish list. It is manufactured out of cedar which is a premium quality wood and which requires very little on-going maintenance and typically lasts a lot longer than traditionally used timbers. It also has an attractive cedar shingle tile roof with a special atrium feature in the top section to allow in lots of natural daylight to pour in from above. It is 5m in diameter with internal benching around each side which means that it can easily cater for a class of 30 children. It has an extra wide door to allow access for any children in wheelchairs and it is built up on a timber sub-frame base raised up on posts. This was done to avoid having to put down any sort of base or required any previous leveling of the designated siting area.

It also has quite a unique feel to it and one that the children immediately warmed to as it looks a little mystical shall we say!

Schools seem nowadays to be struggling for any extra space so the Hideout House company feel that this could be a very good way of resolving this particular problem. On-site times are also minimal compared to traditional builds for alternative kinds of school classroom buildings. This particular job was completed in just three days from start to finish.

For further information, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01865 858982 or email info@hideouthouse.com

outdoor classroom



Outdoor classroom pod

the outdoor classroom pod

Outdoor classroom pod with artificial grass roof

Sometimes the best ideas are borne from a chance discussion with a customer who wants something they cannot find. And this is exactly how our outdoor classroom pod has sprung into life.

I happened to be talking with the head of a primary school who have quite an active and expansive forest school set up and he wanted something that was going to be able to cater for say 20 children, could offer some shade and shelter when the weather wasn’t playing nicely but most importantly it had to be something a bit different which would bolster his forest school outdoor learning programme and entice the children to go out there every day. It also had to blend in nicely with the wooded environment where it was going to be sited. Quite a big wish list!

He had been on a glamping holiday over the previous summer and had stayed in a camping pod which he thought was great and it was along these lines he was thinking. It just so happens that through our leisure division Superglamp.com, I knew exactly what he was talking about.

A few brainstorming discussions later – and of course in full collaboration with the children who had some great ideas – we have designed the outdoor classroom pod. Like the afore-mentioned camping pod, this is a pre-fabricated unit built in the factory and which comes delivered off the back of a low loader truck and which is then either winched or dragged into position. However, if space or access is a problem within a school setting, it has been designed in such a way that we can also install on site in modular sections.

During the ideas and design process, the children were very emphatic that it had to be a bit mysterious and “den-like” – hence the reason for the circular, Hobbit-esque door (and windows) but behind that is a bigger entrance door to allow for ease of access without having to bend down the whole time to get in and out.

It measures 4m x 2.4m and has an overall height of 2.2m so can easily cater for teachers as well. There are some exciting options too – firstly the choice of roofing which can either be artificial grass (to blend in with verdant settings) or classic profile weatherboarding. It is also possible to insulate the pod as well and if we are going “off grid”, we can look at solar power options or even a wood-burning stove to heat it up in the colder months. Internal benching and a little front veranda are also optional extras.

With schools ever more pushing their outdoor learning programme, this outdoor classroom pod is an ideal way of answering that brief. And hopefully we have come up with something a bit different!

We are now going to see if the leisure industry wants to buy it as well to be used as a camping pod.

For further details, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01865 858982 or email info@hideouthouse.com

the outdoor classroom pod

The Outdoor Classroom Pod


Why Forest Schools Can Benefit From An Outdoor Classroom or Shelter

with water butt and roof guttering system

with water butt and roof guttering system

We have undertaken a lot of work recently in supplying schools with outdoor classrooms or shelters for their forest school programmes. Some of these have included fire pits in the middle, some have been totally enclosed to provide shade and shelter from the elements and some even have educational renewable energy systems for environmental awareness which include wind turbines and solar panels. And there is good reason why –

Through the Forest School principles of learning, we can successfully say that we have played a major part in bringing outdoor learning to life, whilst improving children’s ability to work co-operatively and whilst offering them opportunities to take risks, make choices and initiate learning. All of the children who have passed through the programme so far have experienced nature first hand through a series of engaging and achievable tasks.

When children embark on outdoor learning they need to feel safe and their basic needs need to be met. A shelter or outdoor classroom from the Hideout House Company can provide much needed warmth, safety and shelter that children need to embark on their outdoor learning programmes.

For further information on how we can work with your school and your Forest School programme (including funding opportunities and grants which are available), then please contact the Hideout House Company on 01865 858982 or email: info@hideouthouse.com

Seating and fire pit area

Seating and fire pit area

Outdoor Classroom Treehouse at Primary School

treehouses for schools

Outdoor classroom with a tree through the middle

Back in the summer we were given quite an interesting brief from a primary school who were looking to have a treehouse to be used as an outdoor classroom and creative play den for the children. But they didn’t just want any old outdoor classroom, they wanted to have something a bit different and which would also compliment their forest school activities.

It had to be big enough to cater for a class of 30 children.

When we had a look at the site, there was quite a prominent tree which the head teacher wanted to do something with. The discussions first started about having a tree seat but quickly the idea of having a treehouse took hold where the classroom would be built around a tree – we are never one to shy away from a challenge so our first treehouse outdoor classroom was borne!

It was recently completed and the school are extremely happy with it – and the children of course have now got something which is a bit magical and unusual to have outdoor lessons in.

For further information, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01865 858982 or email info@hideouthouse.com


treehouses for schools

school treehouse

Eco outdoor classroom at William Gilpin Primary School

solar panel and wind turbine system

eco classroom

We have just completed an eco outdoor classroom at this school in the New Forest. The outdoor classroom itself is a 5m octagonal gazebo which can easily cater for a class of 30 children and features an attractive cedar shingle tile roof and exterior cedar cladding.

But the school wanted to add an extra dimension and turn into a fully fledged eco classroom where the children can learn all about renewable energy and how it is made. The Hideout House Company were commissioned to supply this eco outdoor classroom and came up with the idea of having a solar panel and wind turbine mounted onto the side of the building. The energy created from the wind and the sun is then stored into a battery which is mounted onto an internal power board in the classroom building itself. If they so wish, the children can isolate the power coming from the turbine and solar panel so that they can see for example on a windy day how much energy is coming off the turbine…or if it is a sunny day, how much energy is produced via the solar panel.

By way of an inverter, the energy stored in the battery is then turned into usable electricity. There are two power sockets mounted on the board which the school children can then use to power up their laptops, mobiles, visualisers. So green energy in its purest form!

There is also a datalogger system built into the system which allows the children to store and monitor relevant information from the system and to undertake outdoor eco exercises.

Eco studies is now such a big and important issue within schools and there are now nearly 18,000 registered Eco Schools in England alone. This type of equipment therefore helps towards schools eco schools accreditations.

For further information, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01865 858982 or email: info@hideouthouse.com


renewable energy board

renewable energy board

Outdoor Classroom at Ashford Prep School

enclosed outdoor classrooms

6m octagonal outdoor classroom

We have just installed a 6m octagonal outdoor classroom building at Ashford Prep School in Kent who are absolutely delighted with it. It is going to be used for a whole host of applications and since its installation earlier this month, the school’s PTA have now agreed to turn into a truly eco classroom. We are therefore going to add a water butt and roof guttering system for rainwater harvesting and install a special renewable energy monitoring system.

This will consist of an energy monitoring board attached to a post-mounted wind turbine and solar panel system so that the children can see how much energy is being created by the wind and sun and thanks to an in-built datalogger, they can also register and monitor this information for outdoor studies and eco sustainability lessons. The monitoring board also has two outdoor power sockets so that the energy created by the wind turbine and solar panel is stored into a battery and by means of an inverter is then turned into usable electricity – so green power in its purest form! Children can therefore appreciate how renewable energy can be created & harnessed and used for appliances such as laptops, mobile phones, visualisers etc

Renewable energy system with sensory light panel

Renewable energy system with sensory light panel

Eco classrooms from the Hideout House Company are proving to be very popular especially by those schools who have an Eco Schools Accreditation.

For further information, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01865 858982 or email info@hideouthouse.com




Outdoor Classrooms for School Nurture Groups

octagonal outdoor classroom with full glazing and French doors

octagonal outdoor classroom with full glazing and French doors

We have had a large increase in enquiries recently for schools wanting to have independent rooms or outdoor classrooms for their nurture groups. As these nurture groups are typically classes of between 6 and 12 children (run by 2 members of staff) to assess learning and to address the learning, social and emotional needs of the children, an independent and tranquil environment is often required. These groups are both in mainstream and SEN schools and in early years, primary and secondary settings.

And this is where the problem lies as there simply is not enough space within a lot of  schools to cater for these groups. Every square inch is currently used!

But we have the solution as we offer a whole range of outdoor classrooms or school classroom buildings which can cater for the needs of these nurture groups. As they do not need to accommodate a typical class of 30 children, these buildings or outdoor classrooms can be a lot smaller as a result. Some schools opt for a simple 4m or 5m octagonal building which is enclosed by glass panels and French doors so can be used all year round in all weathers due to the insulation option. Or we can offer larger rooms which also include WCs, kitchen areas, storage etc

There is some very good information on this subject matter from the Nurture Group Network which you can access by clicking onto school nurture groups or the ofsted report on supporting children with challenging behaviour through a nurture group

We can sometimes help schools in sourcing funding for these type of buildings especially if they can be opened up for the benefit of the wider community as well.

For further details please

Contact us on 01865 858982 or email: info@hideouthouse.com


With double French doors

With double French doors

The Ideal Solution to More Classroom Space in Schools

The demands of pupils, students, parents and the curriculum are changing so much in UK schools that we now have a rising need for small spaces to work with in order to cater for the massive rise in special needs students and those with English as a second language (EAL). We have heard these described by school staff as break out rooms, contemplative rooms or nurture rooms – basically somewhere where teachers and students can go to outside of the main hurly burly of the average school day to get a bit of peace and quiet basically!

And herein lies the problem – where do they actually find this space? Schools are absolutely bursting to the seams as it is with every square inch of space being utilised to the full so it is therefore difficult to find somewhere to work. And school budgets are not exactly stretching to being able to afford a new classroom block or modular/mobile classroom.

But we have the solution and that is our enclosed outdoor classrooms because actually, all that is needed is an outdoor room capable of accommodating a class let’s say and can be used all year round. Our outdoor classrooms come in all shapes and sizes – octagonal, square and rectangular – and can be fully insulated & double glazed and we can even provide an attractive glass roof atrium to allow in lots of natural light from above. We can also provide a base for them to sit upon and internal benching if so required….and we can also make them eco friendly with solar panels and wind turbines for a bit of extra green power. We also deliver and install nationwide so no problem there either.

And our prices are affordable starting at just £9K ex VAT for an enclosed outdoor classroom. And of course these buildings can be used by the wider local community as well which opens up grant opportunities and other income generating possibilities (e.g. to rent out when not being used by the school).

We have a whole range of schools we have supplied with these type of buildings so if you needed any testimonials, then we would be happy to supply these too.

For more information, please visit our website below or call on 01865 858982 or email: info@hideouthouse.com


Enclosed octagonal and rectangular classrooms

Enclosed octagonal and rectangular classrooms


Eco Classroom at The Green Britain Centre

eco classroom on visitor centre

eco classroom on visitor centre

We have recently installed our new eco classroom building at the Green Britain Centre in Norfolk.

The eco classroom is an attractive, cedar clad, fully enclosed 5m octagonal building with an atrium roof (to allow in natural sunlight) and which can easily cater for a class or group of 30 children. As well as providing an outdoor classroom facility, the building itself is intended to be used as an educational resource – to enable visiting groups to enhance educational activities by providing a new resource, raising awareness of renewable sources of energy and sustainable food production as well as providing for hands-on learning for schools, colleges, holiday clubs and individuals. The eco classroom will also assist the existing use of the centre as an educational facility for nearby schools and colleges.

The Green Britain Centre is based in Swaffham, Norfolk and is a popular, learning-outside-of-the-classroom, destination for schools and colleges to learn about renewable forms of energy, new forms of transport and sustainable food through their various displays on site and a comprehensive programme of educational activities. Most notably the wind turbine (windmill) which is the only one open to the public in the world. Visitors have to climb the 300 steps to the viewing platform at the top and experience a modern windmill from the very heart of the machine – and on a clear day, the views from the top of the windmill are amazing! There is also a giant solar tracker on site which follows the sun across the sky.

There are plans afoot to add on additional components to the building to further enhance the eco experience – such as special dynamo bikes which visiting groups have to pedal in order to create power for items such as smoothie makers, flashing light panels, bubble making machines, music systems etc.

For further information on the Green Britain Centre, please visit Green Britain Centre

For further information on eco classrooms, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01865 858982, email info@hideouthouse.com or visit www.hideouthouse.com


Pop Up Outdoor Shelter or Classroom

shelter with school branding

We regularly get asked by schools for a temporary shelter or outdoor classroom which they can either use for their forest school set-ups or for the summer term to provide for shelter from the sun and anything else the British weather can throw at us. So we have devised the concept of a “pop-up” outdoor shelter or classroom.

Manufactured from flame retardant and highly durable PU coated polyester and PVC onto a heavy duty concertina frame, these pop up outdoor shelter can either be supplied as just a white canopy or to make it more interesting and personalised, graphics can be printed onto walls, canopy roof and pelmets. They are available in two sizes – namely 3m x 3m or 4.5m x 3m.

They are ideal for:

  • Forest schools
  • Playground sun shade and shelter
  • PTA fundraising events and school events
  • Parent waiting shelters
  • Temporary outdoor classrooms
  • Pop up shops or market stalls which the children (or parents) can sell products from

And here’s an idea as to how you can pay for them. Write to local companies for a donation and we will print their logo on the product as a participating sponsor.

It is also very easy to assemble and comes with guy lines, pegs and a wheeled carry case.

For further information, please call the Hideout House Company on 01865 858982 or email info@hideouthouse.com


3m x 3m personalised

3m x 3m personalised