Entries by admin

Why We Are Now Using Recycled Plastic For Our Play Equipment

Play equipment in schools has traditionally been made out of timber (in public play parks steel is more common due to vandalism issues) and for good reasons. It is attractive and easy to work with but it can’t withstand the rain and the cold for too long. Time consuming on-going maintenance does certainly help but […]

New Fire Pit Shelter with Canvas Roof

We have a lot of enquiries from schools who run forest school programmes and who are looking to provide for some kind of shelter for the children but usually it is a request to cover an existing fire pit area. The schools want to have the facility of being able to light fires outdoors but […]

Creative Ideas for Your Forest School Or School Playground

We have created an imaginative product for forest schools (or school playgrounds for that matter) and that is the Gateway to the Enchanted Forest…or perhaps we should say the gateway to children’s imaginations. It features a large Hobbit style double leaf round door  – one side of which has a viewing hatch which children can […]

How We Prove “Value for Money”

We totally understand that if a school is looking to buy a product that is over a certain amount of money (usually £3-5k), then this capital expenditure has to be approved by the Board of Governors. And we also totally appreciate that a school has to get a minimum of three quotes and as part […]

Low Maintenance School Playground Equipment

The Problem Facing Schools Regarding The On-going Maintenance of School Play Equipment Like anything that is used constantly, is outside the whole time and is subject to all weathers and all seasons, school playground equipment needs regularly maintaining with thorough inspection checks undertaken every month or so. Children’s safety is paramount of course but maintenance checks conducted […]

Multi Faceted Canvas Shade Canopies for Schools

Schools always need to provide for some shade and shelter from the UK’s ever changing elements and the products they can buy or use range from literally hanging up a tarpaulin sheet right over to the more grandiose shade sails. But true to form, we at the Hideout House Company always like to innovate when it comes […]

How We Can Help You – Our Unique Service

You would like to think that it was fairly straightforward developing your playground but sometimes it can be quite daunting. So over the years we have developed our levels of service to ensure that we can help you every step of the way right from the initial concept through to final completion. Below are some of […]

Plastic Waste, Schools and Play Equipment

Yet again, it has been featured in the news quite a lot recently about the whole issue of global warming and its catastrophic effects on the planet if we do not get to grips with controlling the earth’s temperature rises. And of course within this whole environmental issue is the very important matter of plastic waste. Of the 6.3 […]

How To Successfully Market Your School

“Nobody cares how much you know, until they know how much you care” Theodore Roosevelt I love this quotation and when it comes to defining your marketing strategies and positioning your school, this should sit at the heart of how you think and what you do. Some of us operate in Primary Schools in isolated […]

How To Incorporate Science Into Outdoor Learning

The whole reason of outdoor learning is, of course, to take lessons outside of the classroom and as this is an area of specialisation for our company, we have developed a unique idea which can help school children understand some basic principles of curriculum based science whilst also actively engaging them in their studies. The concept is […]