Entries by admin

Outdoor Shelters and Eco Hub for Primary School

We have just completed quite an interesting project for a school in South London where we have basically supplied them with an “eco hub” which is designed to be both an outdoor classroom or outdoor shelter but which is also an educational tool to help children learn about and appreciate the environment. We started working on the […]

Which Outdoor Shelters Are Right For Your School

We are all aware of the dangers of harmful UV rays from the sun – especially on young skin – and it is for this primary reason which drives a lot of the sales for our outdoor shelters range of products we offer. Or schools want to be able to use them in all weathers […]

Entrepreneurial Ways To Help Fund Your School

There was a very interesting article published recently in the Guardian about how schools are having to find alternative – read entrepreneurial – ways of finding extra ways of generating money to help fund their schools and school projects in the face of increased budget cuts. Of the 1,200 schools polled, a staggering 42% of […]

How To Choose Outdoor Classrooms for Your School

We do get approached quite a lot by schools who are interested in having an outdoor classroom for their school playground or forest school area. This initial approach is usually by email where we are just asked for a price for one. But there are so many variables involved before determining a final price that […]

Feature in the i Newspaper

We were recently featured in an article in the i daily newspaper which was talking about creative treehouses and outdoor classrooms in schools. The article mentioned the pedal powered outdoor classroom we installed at a school in South London where the children had to pedal special dynamo bikes to power up a music sound system, […]

Hideout House Outdoor Classroom at Primary School

We have just completed a new outdoor classroom building for a primary school in Rushden, Northamptonshire. Our initial brief on this project was quite an interesting one as the neighbouring school had a glass geodome outdoor classroom installed the previous year and so therefore the school was looking for something a bit different too. They […]

Outdoor classroom pod

Sometimes the best ideas are borne from a chance discussion with a customer who wants something they cannot find. And this is exactly how our outdoor classroom pod has sprung into life. I happened to be talking with the head of a primary school who have quite an active and expansive forest school set up and he wanted […]

Why Forest Schools Can Benefit From An Outdoor Classroom or Shelter

We have undertaken a lot of work recently in supplying schools with outdoor classrooms or shelters for their forest school programmes. Some of these have included fire pits in the middle, some have been totally enclosed to provide shade and shelter from the elements and some even have educational renewable energy systems for environmental awareness […]

Nature Play Area at Buckminster Primary School

This school near Grantham had an existing play area by their pre-school facility which they wanted us to replace and to update as a nature and freeflow creative play area. We jumped at the brief and the challenge! The project was recently completed and has included the following: Nature garden – this includes hardwood play chips, […]

Outdoor Classroom Treehouse at Primary School

Back in the summer we were given quite an interesting brief from a primary school who were looking to have a treehouse to be used as an outdoor classroom and creative play den for the children. But they didn’t just want any old outdoor classroom, they wanted to have something a bit different and which would […]