Outdoor Shelters for Forest Schools

fire pit and BBQ cabin

The forest schools programme and initiative in the UK is definitely gaining momentum as we do now receive quite a few enquiries from schools who are looking for outdoor shelters for forest schools which they can use in these designated areas.

A common request is to provide for some sort of outdoor shelter or outdoor classroom provision where the children can seek refuge from the elements when so required or which the forest school practitioner can use as an outdoor learning & teaching base. And as making and building fires is a major part of this initiative, we have developed our very own fire pit shelter and outdoor classroom where you can actually have a fire pit in the middle. These tend to be open-sided structures although we can partially enclose them with either solid infill panels or roll-up/roll-down canvas panels to enclose some further protection. The smoke from the fire exhausts through a special ventilation hole in the roof with a special roof cap to stop rain getting in.

But we have been asked also for a facility where as well as lighting fires, the children would also like to be able to cook somewhere and ideally in a building which is fully enclosed so that it can be used all year round. And if you can have some desks in there as well, all the better!

So we are pleased to now be selling stylish outdoor shelters for forest schools cabin which come in different sizes to suit different class sizes or forest school groups and which have a special central fire/BBQ cooking facility where a fire can be lit to both heat up the cabin and to cook on. It is also possible to have internal benching and desks in the cabin as well and in this instance a flue positioned above the fire allows the smoke to easily escape. So this product offers up the ideal solution for a forest school – it allows children to make fires (and thereby also provide for internal heat if “off grid” which these sites usually are), it allows them to cook, it provides for shelter for all year round use and it can be an outdoor learning resource with desks and tables.

There are some options available – firstly the sizes as they come in 10m2, 14m2, 17m2 and 25m2 variants. On some of these models, you can have either sloping walls or straight, there are a couple of colour choices of felt shingle tiles for the roof, internal benches and desks, seating cushions, LED lights and bases. Our prices always allow for delivery and installation.

For further details, please contact the Hideout House Company on 01865 858982 or email: info@hideouthouse.com
